Our Story

Margaritas have been a family hobby since before we were a family. We made them when we were dating. We had a margarita hour before our wedding. All family gatherings have pitchers of fresh squeezed margaritas. Thanksgiving and Christmas are margarita festivals. Friday night is our taco night. So we drink fresh margaritas.
Whining about how tedious it is to make fresh margaritas is also a family hobby. Washing, slicing, squeezing, measuring and shaking is easy but a drag. Keeping up with fresh simple syrups and adding more adventurous ingredients is a challenge. Sometimes we don’t want a challenge, we want a margarita.
Like loads of new businesses, this one started with solving our “problem:” a less challenging, fresh-tasting margarita. Fresh taste is foundational. You know when you’ve sipped a fresh squeezed orange juice; same goes for a margarita.
Getting juice out of a piece of fruit, into a bottle and onto a shelf is at odds with freshness. Juices degrade when exposed to oxygen, warmth and light.
Before sinking our livelihood into this lemonade stand, we had to know if this trio could be tamed. Or tamed enough that we might believe we’re drinking something that didn’t come from a bottle. Tamed enough that we would choose a margarita over a beer or glass of wine or whatever else we may pour at 6:23pm to mark our transition from work to family and friends.
Most juices you buy from a store are heat pasteurized to slow the degradation and ensure safety. They’re cooked, which may make them taste cooked. When they’re pasteurized and preserved to the point that they are on the same aisle as chips, the fresh taste is long gone.

We use a more recently commercialized method to achieve safety while helping retain what we love about juices that are fresh: the taste, color, mouthfeel and nutritional value.
After we bottle our mixes, they go into a chamber that is flooded with cold water and then more and more cold water is forced in which creates tons of pressure. The bottle isn’t feeling
the pressure so much as the molecules both inside and outside the bottle. This lasts for 3 minutes. And that’s it. There is a lot of research that confirms and explains the effectiveness of
this clean treatment and we worked with a university lab to confirm it for our mixers. This is the quality breakthrough we needed to choose a margarita over a beer or prosecco.

In addition to pressure, we use superb fruit, brought to us cold. We keep everything clean, cold and with as little exposure to oxygen as we can manage so that what you get in the bottle tastes like it didn’t come from a bottle.
We’re still whining about how tedious it is to make (thousands of) margaritas. The whining is loudest when we’re peeling or juicing pineapples. So it’s super satisfying when our customers tell us that the best margarita they’ve ever had was poured from a Tepetán bottle.